Callisto CMS

Centralized compliance management solution offering monitoring, obligation tracking, automated compliance controls, and intelligent alerts to ensure complete regulatory adherence

Empowering compliance with Advanced Automation and Analytics

Experience the new-age of compliance with Callisto CMS

Callisto CMS Acies TechWorks Callisto CMS Acies TechWorks

Single source for all regulatory guidelines, clauses and compliance requirements

Seamless communication between compliance and other departments

Departments self-certifications, KCI computations and compliance reviews to ascertain regulatory compliance on a real-time basis

Automating critical compliance monitoring activities for better coverage and automated KCI monitoring

Seamless workflow for managing and tracking compliance observations

Integrated BI capabilities for compliance reporting, KCI monitoring and dashboarding

Achieve holistic compliance management with seamless monitoring, simplified control, and a centralized view of your compliance health

Centralized Compliance Obligation Repository

Callisto CMS Acies TechWorks
A centralized repository for tracking compliance obligations across various regulations.
Ensures traceability of obligations and linkage to their respective evidence.
Facilitates automated mapping of obligations to compliance controls and reporting processes.

Automated Key Compliance Indicators (KCIs)

Callisto CMS Acies TechWorks
Continuous real-time monitoring of key compliance indicators (KCIs) to track critical and high-risk areas.
Automatically flags potential non-compliance issues with instant notifications and updates.
Supports early detection and proactive management of compliance risks.

Process Aligned Workflow Automation

Callisto CMS Acies TechWorks
Automated workflows tailored to your specific processes, business units, and approval hierarchies.
Streamlines logging, investigating, and resolving compliance incidents by aligning them with organizational structures.
Pre-configured templates for compliance management to suit specific business requirements and reduce manual intervention. 

Compliance Health Dashboards

Callisto CMS Acies TechWorks
Provides real-time monitoring dashboards that offer comprehensive insights into compliance health across the organization.
Quick identification of compliance gaps and non-adherence with instant data for decision-making.
Dashboards allow senior management to track overall compliance status and take immediate action where necessary.

Decentralized Compliance Management

Callisto CMS Acies TechWorks
Enables decentralised teams and business units across the organisation to manage compliance collaboratively
Ensures that every user can contribute to the compliance process using the same tool, fostering accountability
Seamless assignment and tracking of compliance tasks within a unified framework across the organisation

Unified Compliance Solution

Callisto CMS Acies TechWorks
A single application that integrates all compliance-related activities, including monitoring, obligation management, and reporting
Provides a unified platform for managing compliance across the organization, reducing the complexity of using multiple systems.
Enhances compliance oversight by consolidating all compliance needs into one easily accessible solution. 

Interested in knowing more? 

Click on the button below to request a demo

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